How to get more LOVE on your Instagram, Twitter + Facebook content


In the spirit of LOVE … Let’s talk about a few steps you can take to beat the grinch of Valentine’s Day [a.k.a. the algorithm(s)] in order to get more LOVE on your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram content!

Let’s dive in.

STEP ONE: Hire a photographer.
(Or… at least look like you’ve hired a photographer.)

The latest testing for business owners says that pages with 50% (at least) of your images being taken by professionals converts to a bigger audience at a much faster rate.

But…let’s be honest, that’s probably not the best place for coaches to invest their money.

And, great news! You actually don’t have to hire a photographer for your page to look professional.

Instead, I suggest you put some time into planning a shoot with a friend and your phone. That means you decide on a few awesome backgrounds (a beautiful park, a beach, a cool coffee shop — whatever speaks to you and your dream client) and three to four outfits that speak to your personality, your color scheme, and the feel you’re trying to evoke for your dream client.

Spending an hour or so [on a consistent basis] getting those details together will make your images look head over heels better than all those selfies you take buckled into the front seat of your car!

If I had a dime for every time a client sent me one of those photos…

Once you’ve got better content, make sure it’s edited for that extra pop.

  1. I love the VSCO APP ! It’s super easy to use and they’ve got some pretty filters. (It’s also free.)
  2. I also edit blemishes and pimples with the FACETUNE 2 APP (the free version) . Because, let’s be real, if we are going to make your page look full of professional photos, NO pro would let something go out with a pimple on your nose.

STEP TWO: Post when the odds are forever in your favor.  [#HungerGames]
For Instagram, use the app, WHEN TO POST, so you know when your audience is hanging out.

For the record, I definitely think you should post when you want to post. Don’t let algorithms and calendars run your life! But the the struggle is real when it comes to beating the algorithm and you do want to set yourself up for success.

WHEN TO POST gives you insight around when YOUR following is on Instagram. Not when the most people are on Instagram. So it can be a valuable tool.

P.S.: It’s free.

For Facebook + Twitter, use HOOTSUITE and opt for “auto-schedule.”

What this does is make sure Hootsuite is choosing to send out your content at the most optimal time for engagement. (Meaning…when the most people are on the app so you can increase your chances for engagement.) 

Phew! Okay… that was a lot. And guess what? I’ve got 3 more! But not enough room in this blog post… #FacePalm. So click the button here and I’ll send ’em your way.