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Hi! I'm Sophia

Hi! I’m Sophia

You have gifts to share with the world and my job is to help you get them out there.

Kendall Cherry joins me to talk about why your email list is NOT too small and how she took her business to 6 figures in the first year with less than 300 people on it.

You’ll learn…

Exactly what to include in your welcome series [Spoiler: She suggests that your series include 3 emails but each email has a different purpose…] 

How many emails to send every week, how to sell (without feeling like you’re selling), and how often to sell…

The type of content she shares to help her audience feel a connection with her [Hint: No, you don’t have to share anything that feels too personal…] …and WAY more.

This episode is jam packed with lots of hot-takes to help you optimize your email marketing and also give you permission to be a rebel with your marketing.

Plus, we play a drinking game in this episode called “Cherry Good or Cherry Bad” where we address our opinions about some of the biggest marketing “rules” and in some cases, why they are totla bullsh*t and what to do instead.

Don’t forget to snag Kendall’s 54 email prompts so you always know what to send to your list.

It’s free!


Sophia Signature
Hi! I'm Sophia

Hi! I’m Sophia

You have gifts to share with the world and my job is to help you get them out there.

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